Saturday, December 15, 2012


I post about my boys very often. Fact is I love being a father and a husband. I love sharing my knowledge with my boys. So I'm torn and sad today. In a small town in Connecticut, a town most of us have never heard of, a tragedy happened yesterday. 27 people, children and adults both.  Went to school. They should have been safe there. Hundreds of thousands of people did the same thing. Yet these 27 didn't go home last night. In that small town in Connecticut 27 beds went unfilled last night. Hundreds of hearts lost one of their pieces.
My Facebook and Twitter feeds were full of people praying, people crying, and people looking for something to point a finger at.
The sad fact is there is no one and nothing that will make sense of this act. Its a tragedy in the purest form of the word.
So instead of looking for a reason, look to your loved ones, especially the littlest ones around us. Find beauty in their wonder and innocence. Hold them close and listen to their stories. Grieve for the ones we lost, and love the ones we have.
Scott M

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